The Power of Four Wiki

Tam Dai Song is a character from the Keeper of the Lost Cities series. He is a Shade, a member of the Black Swan, and a formerly and temporarily forced member of the Neverseen. He grew up at Choralmere with his twin Hydrokinetic sister Linh and his abusive parents Mai and Quan Song. When he was eleven (pre-KOTLC), Tam left the Lost Cities with Linh after she got banished and began attending Exillium in the Neutral Territories. In the 4th book, Neverseen, he meets Sophie Foster (the protagonist of the series) and her friends after they get banished. He helps them sneak into the ogre kingdom Ravagog, fight the Neverseen, and save the gnomes with Linh. His banishment was later lifted by the Council, and he became a member of the Black Swan. In Lodestar, he and Shaylyn Vacker find a secret entrance in one of the Silver Tower's mirrors. He uncovers a secret room, and inside finds a Lodestar Symbol gadget, (later discovered to be able to transport users to any connected Neverseen hideout.) He accidently transports Sophie, Fitz, and himself into one of said hideouts, discovers he can break through forcefields, helps Sophie and Fitz capture two important Neverseen members (Brant and Ruy), and earlier had a bus-load of human teens swooning over him. In Nightfall, Tam, Sophie, Shaylyn, and Marella go to the newer Nightfall facility to try and find Sophie's human parents. They find a bunch of empty storage rooms, gorgodon bones (a species created by Lady Gisela), and the Neverseen member Alvar Vacker, who was unconscious and wounded. When Alvar needed to be taken to a place the Neverseen wouldn't think of, Tam volunteers his childhood home, Choralmere, stating that the Neverseen would never expect it and that it would also freak his parents out. Later, he joins the group going to Vespera's older Nightfall facility. In the 7th book Flashback, he starts to learn how to control the 6th element, shadowflux, helps Wylie hide the Everglen troll hive with an illusion, and later becomes a member of the Neverseen, taken captive by Lady Gisela to be the their new Shade after their previous one, Umber, died.

The Power of Four Wiki
Main Characters: Sophie Foster | Fitzroy Avery Vacker | Dex Dizznee | Keefe Sencen | Wylie Endal | Tam Song | Linh Song | Skyflight Bladen | Rainer Hayes | Shaylyn Vacker | Max Coyle | Cyborg | The Emperor
Secondary Characters: Lysander Bladen | Fintan Pyren | Kaydin Bladen | Sirocco Bladen | Della Vacker | Alden Vacker | Skylar Sky | Don Bladen | Kai Bladen | Adrian Bladen | Maruca Chebota
Enemies of the Council: Emperor | Gale | Darius | Fintan Pyren | Brant Alger | Cyborg | Max Coyle | Ranker Coyle
Major Gods: Terrakion | Ivar | Umbra | Vane | Dacker | Azure | Arnav | Brento | Oleander | Charge | Ajax | Desiderio | Cian | Cosmo | Late | Begg | Voc | Poly | Summer
Minor Gods: Kiera | Dalary | Trent | Corentin | Milo | Aqua | Thanatos | Inferno | Atlas | Ross | Liara | Zelus | Bias | Kratos | Nike
Demigods: Rainer, son of Vale | Alexander, son of Umbra | Conall, son of Corentin | Valerio, son of Ivar | Corrin, son of Ivar | Justice, daughter of Azure | Styrmir, son of Aeolus | Leon, son of Terrakion
Titans: Kronos | Atlas | Hyperion | Koios | Krios | Iapetus | Oceanus | Mnemosyne | Themis | Rhea | Tethys | Phoebe | Prometheus | Helios | Selene
Cities: Eternalia | Adictol | Ridge | Thresh | Solaris | Lumenaria | Atlantis | Forbidden Cities | Gildingham | Mysterium | Loamnore | Serenvale/Ravagog